Start Tracking Your Periods if You Don’t!

Here’s why...

Whether you call it your monthly visitor, your period, or one of many other creative euphemisms, menstruation is a part of every woman's life from early adolescence to menopause in their 40s and 50s.

Because of its regular nature, it's easy to lose sight of this biological process.

The following are some tips to help you stay motivated to keep track of your periods on a regular basis.

1. It Indicates What Is Normal For You

One of the extra benefits is knowing what's normal for your moods. We've all had bad moods for a few days before figuring out why when our period starts - but tracking can take the guessing out of it.

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Your period can affect your energy levels, emotions, food cravings, and exercise habits, as well as your hair, complexion, and daily skincare routine, according to reports.

Most importantly, if you track your period for several months, it may reveal underlying health issues such as PCOS or endometriosis

2. It Can Assist You In Maintaining A Healthy Sleeping Pattern

Sleep issues such as sleeplessness, hypersomnia, exhaustion, and even unsettling nightmares are more common in people with premenstrual mood disorders, which could be attributed to a disruption in their circadian cycles.

As a result, keeping track of your period can assist you in determining how your sleep patterns change during your cycle and adjusting your activities accordingly.

It's also important to remember that other life stages, such as stress, pregnancy, and premenopausal and menopausal symptoms, can interrupt sleep.

3. It Will Assist You In Comprehending Your Hunger/Cravings

We've all experienced the urge for chocolates when our period begins, but charting your entire cycle may reveal patterns such as when you crave salty, comfortable, or even healthful food.

Food cravings are a common PMS symptom. There's also evidence that when people are emotionally distressed, they turn to junk food for comfort.

There's evidence that the luteal phase (the second half of your menstrual cycle) contributes to increased sweet cravings, as well as increased salt cravings.

The most well-documented cycle-related sweet cravings are chocolate cravings before and during the period.

4. It Enables You To Personalize Your Workout Routine

You may have observed that you have greater energy at certain times of the month, and this could be linked to your periods.

Knowing when these lifts and dips take place can help you better organize your workouts. It's unquestionably a win-win situation!

Keeping track of your activity and energy levels can help you figure out which days are best for training and which days are best for rest.

Strength training in the first half of your cycle, however, leads to bigger increases in muscular strength than training after ovulation in the second part of your cycle.

At the very least, you should keep track of the first day of your period every month. This information should suffice to raise your suspicions.

On the other side, period monitoring can become fairly complex. Keeping track of these details assists you and your doctor to monitor your health and prepare you for other menstrual symptoms.

The better you understand your body and its cycles, the easier it will be to recognize when something is amiss.

Do you have a few days of heavy flow followed by a day or two of spotting throughout your period, for example? If that's the case, you'll most likely require a different pad or tampon strength each month.

Anticipating these necessities can make your life much easier.

Women frequently skip periods or have monthly changes when beginning a new training routine, gaining or losing a significant amount of weight, or simply going through a stressful period.

When a usual menstrual cycle becomes erratic, it could indicate a hormone or thyroid issue, liver function problems, irritable bowel syndrome, diabetes, or a range of other disorders.

Not only that, but a shift in the menstrual cycle is often the first sign of a number of women's health issues, some of which are unrelated to the reproductive organs.

Keep note of your menstrual cycle so you can address any health issues before they become serious.