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4 Phases We All Go Through During the Menstrual Cycle!

by Priyal Kalra 09 Oct 2021

The myths are endless about what the menstrual cycle is and what leads to the various changes. From puberty to, menopause a women's body goes through several phases that prepare her for pregnancy.

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The hormones fluctuate, which leads to several developments in the body. To understand the concept better, one needs to get educated about the phases of the menstrual cycle. 

So Let Us Classify The 04 Stages of The Menstrual Cycle:

# Menstrual phase 

The initial phase of the cycle is when you get your period! At this stage, the level of hormones drops like estrogen and progesterone.

The thick lining in the uterus sheds through your vagina. Symptoms are cramps, bloating, mood swings, and irritability. One can manage the pain by eating a fiber-rich diet, taking vitamins, and avoiding sugary-salty food items. 

# The Follicular phase

It's the first day of your period! This phase can last up to 16 days but, it also depends on the cycle, and it can range from 11 - 12 days.

FSH- the follicle-stimulating hormone is released by the pituitary gland after receiving a signal from the hypothalamus. It stimulates your ovaries to produce follicles.

These follicles contain immature eggs, and only the healthy egg moves forward. The remaining follicles get reabsorbed after they release estrogen that leads to a way for the healthy egg( If any) to move ahead. 

# The Ovulation phase

The follicular phase triggers the pituitary gland to release luteinizing hormone (LH) after estrogen levels are high. This process starts ovulation, which is when the ovary releases a mature egg.

The mature egg then moves ahead towards the uterus, then gets fertilized by sperm. The pregnancy occurs during this phase only.

Symptoms to identify are like rising body temperature or thicker discharge. It lasts about 24 hours after one day the egg will die or dissolve. 

# The Luteal phase

After the egg is released, it transforms into the corpus luteum. Hormones are released mainly progesterone and some estrogen and the rise in hormones keeps the uterus line thin for the egg to get fertilized.

Your body will produce human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), hormone pregnancy tests identify. If you are not pregnant, then it gets absorbed, and the uterus lining sheds during periods.

You may experience symptoms if you are not pregnant, includes Bloating, mood changes, headache, and weight gain. 

The experience is different for many women, and it might seem normal for you but can have contrasting perspectives for others. We always recommend consulting with a health professional to get a better understanding of your situation.

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